Select your repair facility profile, and then select Edit from the mini-toolbar.
Click on the Workflow - Repair Plans link under Repair Management.
Select the repair plan, and then select Add Phase from the toolbar.
From the Repair Phase screen, enter a name that describes the repair phase in the Phase Name field.
From the Default Duration section, select the Calculated - Repair phase duration is calculated based on repair order labor units option, and then enter the labor hours value in the Burn Rate (hours per day) field.
Note: This value should be based on the average hours per day that your technician produces.
From the Labor Types pane, select one or more labor types that you want to associate with this repair phase.
Enter the percentage amount of the labor type to change the default value of 100.
Click OK. The information is saved, and the Repair Phase screen closes.
Click OK to close the Repair Plan window.
Select Save or Save and Close from the toolbar to save the profile changes.